Wget Gateway

Welcome to Wget Gateway, a simple page showing the usage of socksified wget behind a firewall. In my configuration it is very useful because:

With the combination of a socksified wget and a simple cgi that schedules the requests can I reach the aim. All you need is:

This is my h/s configuration:
+----------+ +----------------------------------+ +---------------------+
| Firewall | | Host that can exit from firewall | | Intranet www server |
+----------+ |            htceff                | +---------------------+
             +----------------------------------+ | Wget.html           |
             | socksified wget                  | +---------------------+
	     | cgi-lib.pl                       | 
	     | perl                             |
	     | wget.cgi                         |

wget.cgi, wget and cgi-lib.pl are located in the usual cgi-bin directory. The customization of wget.cgi and wget.html has to reflect you installation, i.e.:

You can also add other parameters that you want to pass to wget, but in this case you will also have to modify wget.cgi

Downloading (optionally recursive)

Now you can the requested URL or the form.

Feedback is always useful! Please contact me at
Antonio Rosella<Antonio.Rosella@agip.it>.
You can send your suggestions or bug reports for Wget to
Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic@srce.hr>.
Last modified: Thu Mar 26 16:26:39 MET 1998