
  This MUI custom class provides you with an easy way of displaying list entries
in  a  sorted  form,  a  so  called  tree-structure.   A  Tree-structure will be
selected, when data should be optical seperated from each other.

  Today  i  know  of  several  list tree classes, but none of them fullfilled my

  First,  there  is  the  old  Listtree.mcc from Klaus Melchior which is used in
several  applications.   For  this one, there is no development since many month
(year?).   This  class  works  stable, as long as the programmer knows about the
several bugs.

  Then  a class called NListtree.  Only a few bytes are different from Listtree.
Mainly  the  superclass strings are patched (List.mcc -> NList.mcc) to use NList
instead of List.

  NewListTree  from  Ole  Friis  which is unchanges in alpha state (version 0.2)
since january 1999.

  And,  the  last, TreeList from John Haubrich.  He has dropped the  project and
his Amiga somewhere between the 10.  or 11.  of december 1999.

  The  sourcecodes  of  both last named classes are public.  Today i do not know
about someone who has worked on these codes.

  NListtree is intresting for programmers and the end-user also and easy to use.
So  far  as  implemented  by  the  programmer  and  needfull  in the application
environment,  this  class  allows  the  fully  free recreation of the list using
drag&drop (short d&d) with support of multiselection.

  First  time  in  a list tree class it is possible to move complete structures.
That means, that the complete tree of the moved entry, back to the root-list, is
recreated  at  the  destination  if  the  programmer  allows this.  The same for
copying entries, which is also implemented.