
  NListtree  is  almost  the same and reacts the same as Listtree does.  But the
preferences program has some differences:

  In  Listtree  configuring  Windows  95  style  causes  Listtree  to  draw  the
open/closed  sign directly.  NListtree uses the user selectable images for these
signs  too.   Style  Win98+  has  an  additional image for the drawer to make it
really look like Windows95/98 (not completely implemented).

  Some  new  imagery  especially  for  the  Windows  styles  is distributed with
NListtree.  They can be found in the directory Images/aphaso.

  The  user  can  control  the  list  tree by the MUI keys, this means a node is
opened  with "Right" and closed with "Left".  "Up" and "Down" are the same as in
normal List class.  Check your MUI NList prefs for the specified keys.

  Simple  clicking  on a node sign or double clicking somewhere else in the tree
column  and/or  other columns (this will be defined by the programmer and should
be  stated  in  the application docs) toggles its status from open to closed and
vice versa.

  Multiselection   is   implemented  and  reacts  as  configured  in  the  NList
preferences  or  like  programmers  choice.   This should be written down in the
application  docs.   Please  note, that multiselection and drag & drop in a tree
with more than one selected entry can be confusing sometimes:

  - in  multiselection mode, you have to move the mouse pointer out of the list
    while holding down the left mouse button, to start dragging entries around

  - the default key (qualifier) for dragging in multiselect lists (NList.mcc) is
    CTRL.   Pressing  CTRL  causes NListtree (NList) to immediately start drag &

  So please check out the demo program NListtree-Demo on how to use this feature
by dragging some entries around.  But first read the next section.

  Drag&Drop capabilities:

  If possible or needfull for the situation NListtree is used by the programmer,
you  can  drag & drop entries.  This means you can drag one entry and drop it on
the same listtree again.  While dragging an indicator shows where to drop.

  Drag a    Drop on        Result

  leaf      leaf           Exchange leaves.
  node      leaf           Nothing happens.
  entry     closed node    Moves entry into the list.
  entry     open node      Moves entry to defined position.

You  can  not drop an entry on itself, nor you can drop an opened node on any of
its members.