Cflink ColdFire Linker (preliminary) rev. 0.98 1. GENERAL The ColdFire Linker , cflink, is a freeware linker for ColdFire processors. The job of the linker is to take all the object files required to make an executable program and join them together. During the linking process, it will match all the references between object files so that the final executable is complete. 1.1 Command Line Options Usage: cflink [options] files -o outputfile Options: -r
ROM option. Address is a 32-bit start address for the ROM in hexadecimal. -i Output build information. The usual format for linking looks like this; cflink startup.o myprogram.o lib.o -o myprogram.prg Where; - cflink is the name of the linker. - startup.o is the name of the startup object code module for use with GeckoOS. - myprogram.o is the name of your program object file. You can have more than one object file here. - lib.o is the general set of library functions. - myprogram.prg is the name of the program file. The files you need to supply are that of the 'myprogram.o' which should have been produced from a Compiler or Assembler. All ".o" object files need to be in the GeckoOS object code format. If you used cfcc (ColdFire C Compiler) or cfasm (ColdFire Assembler - with the object output option enabled) then you would use the results from these programs. Using the ROM option will produce only code and data binary output instead of the block file format. XREF (external references) and XDEF (external definitions) will be resolved, so that the code can be run in place. 2. Error messages Error messages are meant to be self-explanatory. The general error messages that you may encounter are; File not found One of the required files could not be found File