dCTLGFVER english CShow the versionnumbers of programs and/or files with the option to Gcompare version with Libs-, DT-, Devs-, MUI-, Handler- or Class-Guides. %-a = check all subdirectories, too. /-s = show systeminformation (OS version/cpu). >-1 = versioncheck libraries, compare with "scripts/LibList" A-2 = versioncheck devices, compare with "scripts/DeviceList" -3 = versioncheck datatypes, compare with "scripts/DTypesList" -4 = versioncheck MUIclasses, compare with "scripts/MUIList" -5 = versioncheck handler, compare with "scripts/HANDLERList" -0 = free check definition, needed ever -0l AND -0s AND -0n! +-f = full path shown to all tested files. -n = no requesters at end of versionscheck. -o = activate HTML output without requester or if -n is used. -! = display CheckList discryptionfile (ignore preset) -# = display statistic requester (ignore preset). 5-m = versionscheck merge output (normal overwrite). /-x1 = accept .elf (PowerUP) like Amiga Exec's. /-x2 = accept .wos (Warp OS) like Amiga Exec's. --x = or -x3 = Both, .elf and .wos accepted. U-v = more output for internal test. -* = replace by DIRS file from script !dir = start with this directory. "file = check only the single file. AThe systeminfo view installed ppc-cpu and mmu. This requires that Ommu.library/680x0.library (Thor) and/or the ppc.library (Phase5) are installed. EVersCheck was written for the comparesystem by 'age@thepentagon.com' /and is freeware. Please read the documentation! ;Bugs, problems or comments send to 'GatewayBBS@bigfoot.de'. =Abort by error, please send a bugreport including this code: files directorys bytes memory failure (STORE)! lock failed! wrong data (no directory)! VersCheck: version info= C:VERSION: version info= list: version +-> Please contact '$email' (versionproblem) -> version is OK! '-> New version, please contact '$email' &-> Old version, new version available! )-> Unknown file, please contact '$email' F---------------------------------------------------------------------- *VersCheck: open error at scripts/????List! %VersCheck: open error at Ram:NewList! %VersCheck: open error at Ram:OldList! %VersCheck: open error at Ram:AllList! VersCheck: AllocMem failed! VersCheck-Request CVersCheck found new files! A protokoll will be found at Ram:NewXXX! -Please send Ram:NewXXX via email to '$email'. ?Look at your Ram-Disk for the files with results of this check. CAllXXX: complete list, OldXXX: can be updated, NewXXX: please sent! Do you want a HTML update form? ;Should I create a HTML form for easy update your old files? AIf you select YES the HTML form will be created at your ram disk! YES, please|NO, thanks VersCheck over all comments CLOSE VersCheck OVER ALL RESULTS OF THIS SCAN: 1. directory's are found and scanned, if needed. 1. files found and checked out to compare or not. 2. files compared with the list. Here the result: 1. files found with unusable (bullshit) versions! .. files found with bad and unclear versions. *. files found they are (!) UP TO DATE (!) . files needs an update! :-( 7. files has higher version as the list! (PLEASE INFO!) 1. files are unknown in the list! (INFO PLEASE!) COMMENT: bad, unbelievable, impossible, rotten! COMMENT: oh, oh, best to do: send to a museum! COMMENT: best to do: begin the update NOW! COMMENT: nothing to say, only: do anything! COMMENT: you check not often enough, he? COMMENT: hey, little things to do, but good! COMMENT: very good updated system, I love it! COMMENT: congratulations to such actual system! COMMENT: this is my home or the computerheaven! 5: -- This library could'nt found/open program abort. .Error found, abort. Check the icon tooltypes! Error: argument missing Error: unexpected char in AError: program compiled without debugfunction, option -d ignored Error: illegal option: Error: unknown argument(s) 5Error: part of -0(s,n,l) missing, must used complete! Error: duplicate options System: Kickstart , Workbench CPU = , FPU = , MMU = PowerPC CPU # Clock PPC603 PPC604 PPC602 PPC603e PPC603p PPC604e eMail/Author unknown