ACDPlay's ARexx commands ------------------------ rudimentary controls -------------------- PLAY starts playing the cd or continues with playing after pause PLAY plays a specific track STOP stops playing PAUSE interrupts playing, continue by command PLAY NEXTSONG jumps to the track next to the current one and starts playing PREVSONG jumps to the track previous to the current one and starts playing EJECT and OPEN both open the cd tray CLOSE closes cd tray LOCKCD disables eject button on cd-rom drive UNLOCKCD enables eject button on cd-rom drive current data ------------ GETCURRENTTRACK returns the number of the track currently played GETCURRENTINDEX returns the current index GETTRACKLENGTH returns the length of the current track in msf format GETTRACKPOSITION returns the position within the track in msf format GETABSPOSITION returns the position within the cd in msf format ISUNITREADY tests if the cd-rom drive is ready GETSTATUS returns the current playing status of the cd-rom drive: 0 - no disk inserted 1 - stopped 2 - playing 3 - paused cd data ------- GETTITLE returns the cd title GETARTIST returns the cd's artist GETSONGNAME returns the current track's name UPDATETITLES reads titles from hd SAVETITLES saves current titles onto hd GETCDLENGTH returns length of current cd in seconds GETTRACKNUMBER returns number of tracks GETFIRSTTRACK returns the number of the first track GETFIRSTAUDIOTRACK returns the number of the first audio track GETCDID returns the cd id used for saving titles and programs drive data ---------- SETVOLUME sets the master volume, 0 .. 255 GETVOLUME returns the master volume GETVENDOR returns the name of the cd-rom drive's vendor GETVENDORID returns the vendor id GETPRODUCT returns the product's name GETREVISION returns the revision of the product GETVENDORSPECIFIC returns information specific to the vendor scsi/atapi data --------------- GETDEVICE returns the name of the device driver GETUNIT returns the unit of the device GETLUN returns the logical unit number GETSENSEKEY, GETADDSENSECODE and GETADDSENSECODEQUAL return values that are used to determine errors which the device probably reported programming ----------- APPENDELEMENT adds one of the cd's track to the program DELETEELEMENT deletes one element from the program, 0 being the first DELETEPROGRAM deletes the whole program COPYALLPROGRAM builds a program which is identical to the track list SAVEPROGRAM saves the program cd-specificly LOADPROGRAM loads the specific program application ----------- SHOW uniconifies ACDPlay HIDE iconifies ACDPlay OPENWINDOW opens a specific window, 0 .. 9 CLOSEWINDOW closes a specific window, 0 .. 9 SHOWMESSAGE opens a requester which displays the given text QUIT don't use ;-)