Dear translators, please translate this text into the respective language, we will then insert them into the guide files. Please ignore the text within [] brackets... [Introduction] ACDPlay definitely wouldn't exist without the cdplay.library programmed by Patrick Hess which is now replaced by own SCSI routines for several reasons. [Features] ACDPlay... - uses own SCSI routines written in Assembler - supports cd.device for ATAPI drives [Requirements] - a SCSI CD-ROM drive or (via cd.device) an ATAPI drive [Usage] - Menus - Windows - Keyboard shortcuts [Menus] CD: Select title...: Opens the title window. Edit program...: Opens the program editor. Edit titles...: Opens the title editor. Set volume...: Opens the volume window. Set A-B...: Opens the A-B Repeat window. Information...: Opens a window with informations about the current CD. Drive: LUN: Here, the Logical Unit Number can be changed, which selects the current disk in CD changers. Unit: This allows you to change supplementary the Unit of the device, what is useful for owners of multiple CD-ROM devices. Drive lock: If this is selected, it isn't possible to open or close the drive with the button on the front of the device. Open, Close: With this, it is possible to open or close the drive using a software command. Stop: This item has the same function as the stop button on the panel. You can stop the drive, if the panel isn't shown. Frontend: Public Screen...: Opens the public screen window. Snapshot windows: Saves the current window positions and sizes of every window, plus, whether the respective window shall be opened when ACDPlay is started. ARexx: Execute script: Opens a file requester through which an ARexx script can be executed. [Windows] ACDPlay's windows - Main window - Title selection - Title programming - Title editing - Public screens - Volume - A-B Repeat - CD information - Device information [Main window] Repeatmode cycle gadget 4. A-B Repeat: The section, which can be choosen in the A-B Repeat window, will be played and repeated. [Public screen window] For updating the display, the 'Update'-button has to be pressed or the window has to be closed and reopened. [Volume window] The volume window This window contains three sliders. The outer ones allow you to adjust the left and right sound channels separatly, while the middle one controls the volume for both channels at once. [A-B Repeat window] The A-B Repeat window Here you can set the A-B repeat range. When 'A' or 'B' is pressed, ACDPlay inserts the current position into the respective track and time fields. However, you may also set the range by just typing in start and end point. Enter the desired track and the desired time in minutes, seconds and 1/75 seconds. Example time entry: 3 min, 25 secs and 63 1/75 secs is entered in the following way: 03:25.63 [short cuts] Controlling the CD player via short cuts only works, if the main window is activated. The numeric keys 1,2,3,...,0 have the same meaning as the equivalent directchoice gadgets. Pressing the cursor-up or cursor-down keys, lets ACDPlay jump forward or backward. Pressing the cursor-left or cursor-right keys, causes a jump backward or forward within the track. [Configurations] All configurations can be overwritten using shell arguments. If ACDPlay is started with a '?' as parameter, and you type the question mark again, you get a brief description of all known shell arguments. SEARCHSECONDS = a value (1-100) which defines how much seconds the search button will jump over (default: 10) UPDATEDELAY = defines how often (1-50) the update of the drive data will be delayed (default: 5) QUITONCLOSE = determines whether ACDPlay quits or hides when hiting the closewindow gadget (default: 1) [ARexx port] CLOSE: closes the disk tray DELETEPROGRAM: deletes the current program COPYALLPROGRAM: creates a program with the CD's table of contents as pattern SAVEPROGRAM: saves the current program LOADPROGRAM: loads a saved program APPENDELEMENT: attaches the given track to the current program DELETEELEMENT: deletes the, as argument, given element of the program (0 is the first) GETCURRENTTRACK: returns the number of the current track GETTRACKNUMBER: returns the available track number of the current CD GETCURRENTTIME: the already passed time will be returned as 1/75 seconds GETTOTALTIME: the length of the track will be returned as 1/75 seconds SETVOLUME: expects a value (0-255) which sets the main volume of the CD-ROM drive GETVOLUME: returns the current main volume (0-255) of the CD-ROM drive [Future] -possibly port to the operating system pOS [words of thanks] thank-yous go to... Everybody who was participated constructive in our project. Every translator and proof reader, of whom most attend to the Amiga Translator's Organisation. Thanks go also to the beta testers, everybody, who just sent us an EMail (remember: this program is EMailware!) and everyone who is forgotten here, but whose name is in the scroller of the about window. Special thanks go to Patrick Hess, without him we never had started programming a CD player.