AmigaActive (1024/1525)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:22 Sep 2000 at 00:23:39
Subject:How do I spend it

Hello folks,

I'm gonna have a bit of spare cash soon (Mummy had a bit of a lottery
windfall last night), tho' not too much. Maybe £150 or so. So how do I spend

a) tower my system up
b) get an '040 and 16meg Ram.

I'm currently using an A1200 desktop with '030 33, and plenty of bits
hanging off it (extra floppy, CD-Rom, modem, scandoubler, printer etc.)

Any advice would be appreciated, tho' I'm leaning towards the '040.

All the best


Look me up on #Amigazone, #Amiga or #AmIRC.
Ask for D-Dan. Always happy to talk.

ICQ 21361336

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