AmigaActive (1030/1525)

From:Eds Borthwick
Date:22 Sep 2000 at 00:52:43
Subject:Re: How do I spend it

Hello Steve

On 21-Sep-00, you were babbling about:

> On 21-Sep-00, Gareth Griffiths said -

> Well, altho' I've got lots of bits hanging off it, it's all arranged
> pretty neatly, and since i'm fed up waiting around for jpegs to decode,
> running out of memory running AWeb and can't be bothered rendering anymore
> 'cos it takes too long (tho' I used to enjoy it).
> And 'cos I use a lot of WMF files in WW7 (but again, I have to wait around
> for my ARexx script to convert and load them), the '040 is definitely
> looking favourite. So what are the pitfalls. (I believe them there darn
> things run pretty hot, and condume a lot of power). Will it be OK in the
> desktop (I generally use it with the trapdoor cover off, and I'm using an
> old A500 power supply). Will that be enough?

Eyetechs 040/40 SE (overclocked 040/25s) work fine for me in a desktop with
no heat problems, the fan seems to do the job fine, and from an A500 PSU.

Nice price too.



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