AmigaActive (1088/1525)

From:Eds Borthwick
Date:23 Sep 2000 at 01:25:11
Subject:Re: World Online to axe unmetered access

Hello John

On 22-Sep-00, you were babbling about:

>>> with FreeServe, using BT's SurfTime, I get over 300 free hours a
>>> month for just 4.99
>> With RedHotAnt, I get over 700 free hours a month for £2.50 :) So
>> what's your point? ;)
> Those figures have got me wondering......
> There's only 744 hours maximum in any month. So how do you folks
> manage to spend all that time online? You must be leaving your
> computer almost continuously connected!

And at the risk of being pedantic, how can anyone have FREE net hours
and in the same sentence, quote what they PAID ??. ;)



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