AmigaActive (1104/1525)

From:Stephen J Pike
Date:23 Sep 2000 at 19:49:10
Subject:Re: ISPs

Hello Kevin

On 19-Sep-00, you wrote:

>KT I go the other way - if I can't access a website that is selling
>KT stuff, then I email them and tell them. Lots of them don't realise
>KT that people with older computers can't access their sites, and one I
>KT contacted hass done something about it.
>KT Most of these sites are not made by the companies themselves, but by
>KT "Webmasters" paid quite highly for their services. When a company
>KT finds that a prospective customer cannot access their site, that must
>KT give rise for concern.
>KT Any company that tells me to upgrade my computer if I want to buy from
>KT them has lost another customer!

Just e-mailed argos to let them know that i was unable to access their site,
let you know what their reply is, if i get one!


Regards, Steve

A member of G.A.G - Gloucestershire Amiga Group.

On an A1200 030 Running OS3.5

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