AmigaActive (1131/1525)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:24 Sep 2000 at 22:27:54
Subject:Re: AmFTP through Proxy server ?

Hello Paul,

>> like your FTP servers! AmFTP, whilst far more stable than every other FTP
>> client I've used (with the exception of OpusFTP) can be a bit finicky on
>> a Windows NT server.
> I'm happy enough with AmFTP thats why I'd like to get it to work but if
> all else fails - I'll change

Yeah, i agree. Apart from OpusFTP, AmFTP kicks the butt of every other FTP
client available on the Amiga that I've used. And, as I very rarely boot
into an Opus Workbench (I prefer a CLI startup) I am mostly restrained to
AmFTP. Not that restrained is a good word to use, it's a very good program
and it's a pity that it's no longer being developed.

> A proxy server is designed to forward network traffic to it's destination
> so (for example) I can browse the web with Voyager whilst connected to an
> online connection on the PC via ethernet on the Amiga. Not a very
> technical description but I'm tired right now - got called into work again
> today :(

That'll do fine :-) I thought that was what a proxy did, but wasn't too
sure. Ergo, if you can connect to the FTP server via the proxy, there's
nothing wrong with the proxy as it is obviously accepting incoming and
outgoing data, so it must be a problem that is server-side.

As Chris says he has the same problem with other clients, it's almost
certainly server-side. So, there's nothing that you can do other than to try
other FTP clients. If you can afford Opus Magellan 2, then try OpusFTP.

What is the server address etc.? I can check it out for you if you like
using OpusFTP.


*Gareth Griffiths* -- --
"Bother", said Pooh, as he waited for Windows '97.

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