AmigaActive (1135/1525)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:25 Sep 2000 at 01:12:07
Subject:Re: Blitz & Gadtools

Hello Steve,

> I'm working on a new util using Blitz2 for the config program. I use a
> GTListView to display included options, but how do I read a selected
> option from the list view. I've been right through the manual, but I can't
> find it.

I did some stuff using GTListViews, but I didn't get very far! Subscribe
yourself to the Blitz mailing list:

And ask there. Failing that, I'm sure Mr. McMinn would know what to do. You
could always try MUI :-) From what I've heard (and it could be totally
untrue) the listviews in MUI are easy to use with Blitz.


*Gareth Griffiths* -- --
"Bother", said Pooh, as Satan pointed out the small print.

Quote carefully and read all ADMIN:README mails