AmigaActive (122/1525)

From:Simon Preston
Date:3 Sep 2000 at 18:56:04
Subject:Re: Amiga On TV!

So Neil Williams, you vish to know about Re: [amigactive] Amiga On TV!? Vell, I will tell you...
On 03-Sep-00, you wrote:

>> ITV's UK Lunchtime news has just carried an item on AltaVista's failed
>> free ISP experiment, and one of the inserts showed a young chappie
>> logging on with what looked remarkably like an A1200!

>> Yay!

> Amiga 3000, Prime Suspect, last night on Channel 4. It was in some video
> room scene. Do I get a prize? :)

Hate to ruin your fun, but hearing about old Amigas on TV is boring. The
next time I see an "[amigactive] Amiga on TV" subject I hope its actually
about a new Amiga on TV.


Simon Preston - (updated 02 Sep 2000)
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