AmigaActive (1227/1525)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:26 Sep 2000 at 18:16:48
Subject:Re: 24x4x8 CDRWs with Amiga.

Rangel Badillo Daniel said,

> Just wondering... is anybody here using a Yamaha 24x4x8 or 24x8x8
> CDRW recorder drives with the Amiga? I'm looking to buy one and AFAIK, no
> Amiga software supports them directly, but I want to know if they work/get
> recognized with Makecd Yamaha drivers and also if MasterISO works with it.

I reviewed the Yamaha 8424 in about issue 5 9check the database on the
CD). It worked fine with MakeCD. MakeCD supports mostmodern drives, even
if it doesn't recognise, but the Yamaha is recognised.

> ( I need to know also to decide what cdr software to buy...).

MakeCD. It works with this and every other drive I've thrown at it. I
believe MasterISO is no longer supported.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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