AmigaActive (1252/1525)

From:John Marchant
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 01:36:08
Subject:Re: Shell Icon

Hi Simon. In a message on 26-Sep-00 18:26:38, you wrote:

> A friend mailed me with a prob in that when he clicks on the Shell icon
>in System, it says it can't find the cli. I told him to make sure the
>default is SYS:System/CLI, which he says it is.

Check the tooltypes in the Shell icon. Mine has a WINDOW spec, a
STACK size, and "FROM=S:Shell-startup" (no quotes). And tell him to
check the tooltypes again (including spelling). Too often we all see
what we expect to see, instead of what we actually read.

If all that seems ok, then check the Shell-startup script. An error
in that will cause it to bomb out. But I'd not expect that to cause
"can't find CLI".

If still no workee, try copying the original Shell icon and
S:Shell-startup from the Workbench floppy.


John Marchant ('Gnome'). Bedford UK.
Amiga 4000/40, A3000/30, A500

Nothing is so smiple that it can't get screwed up.
* Pick-Tag v2.5 * Registered to Gnome.

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