AmigaActive (1258/1525)

From:roger buckley
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 01:36:22
Subject:Re: AmiBench News

Hello Gerald

On 27-Sep-00, you wrote:

> I'm just wondering, ARexx isn't a particularly fast language, how long
> does it take to strip the eGroups ads from each email? And at what
> point between downloading and reading the emails does it happen?
I use Cleaner program in C, called by Yam after download, takes perhaps 5-10
seconds for 100 emails.


Amiga 1200, Viper 68030 Mk V Accel with 50Mhz FPU and 16 MBFast, Seagate 410MB
2.5" internal HD and 800MB SCSI & 2G HD in a midi tower with 4xCDRom. 56k
Modem, Power Port Junr Serial IF G.Image Hand Scanner & Citizen Swift
ICQ-62990780 Robuck2
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-- Cicero

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