AmigaActive (1273/1525)

From:Simon Mason
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 14:36:33
Subject:Re: Shell Icon

Hi, John

John, said:

> Check the tooltypes in the Shell icon. Mine has a WINDOW spec, a
> STACK size, and "FROM=S:Shell-startup" (no quotes). And tell him to
> check the tooltypes again (including spelling). Too often we all see
> what we expect to see, instead of what we actually read.
> If all that seems ok, then check the Shell-startup script. An error
> in that will cause it to bomb out. But I'd not expect that to cause
> "can't find CLI".
> If still no workee, try copying the original Shell icon and
> S:Shell-startup from the Workbench floppy.

Thanks, mate. I'll forward that on to him!


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