AmigaActive (1281/1525)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 15:06:09
Subject:Re: AmFTP through Proxy server ?

Hello Alan,

>> I don't like being 17, believe it or not. I wish I was a lot older. At
>> least then I wouldn't have to put up with the shallowness of girls my age
>> :-) I mean, if you haven't got a flash car they want nothing to do with
>> you! Hehe.
> pah! at least you've got shallow girls to go with at your age! 8-)

That's just the point, I don't want shallow girls :-) I'm not exactly an oil
painting, and my confidence is almost non-existent, so it's quite difficult
for me to 'go out on the pull' and succeed :-). People tell me I've a great
personality and sense of humour etc. but the shallowness of the
aforementioned women mean that they don't see that :-)

Anyway, this is wildly OT. To bring it back ON topic, kinda, how about
someone writing a "Virtual Babe" for the Amiga desktop? hahahahahahaha :-)

> nah, give me a woman who understands how to enjoy life, has a sense of
> humour, can share and comfort and knows AmigaOS coding. well, my S.O.
> matches the first 4...pity about the Amiga part :-|

Pretty much the same here. Although not the AmigaOS bit. Just a girl who
doesn't ridicule me because I use an Amiga will do :-)


*Gareth Griffiths* -- --
"Bother", said Pooh, as the old lady caught him stealing her television.

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