AmigaActive (1295/1525)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 19:19:54
Subject:Re: To sum it up

Hi Everybody,

> Using the standard Workbench 'Calculator' program enter in 561.27 -
> 561.22 and see what the results are.
> I think my 'Calculator' could be using an early Pentuim chip :)

It looks like the problem is simply the C= calculator uses single
presision fp numbers, meaning that it can't quite hold all decimal
numbers, so they have to be stored as +/- .000000001 etc.

Plus if you + 561.22 again you get 561.27 :)

Anyway, just use a real calculator :) The c= one is pretty crap :)
Casio fx-7700GBus is the one I used, got me though my A-Level maths

See ya :)

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