AmigaActive (1317/1525)

From:Bill Eaves
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 10:38:02
Subject:Egroup Ads Re: AmiBench News

Hello Gerald

On 27-Sep-00, Gerald Mellor wrote:

>> I never see egroups ads these days thanks to Arexx :o)

> I'm just wondering, ARexx isn't a particularly fast language,

You can say that again.

> how long
> does it take to strip the eGroups ads from each email? And at what
> point between downloading and reading the emails does it happen?

I run the script after downloading mail, it is not quick but is in between
two other slow events so does not seem too bad. The preceding act of going
offline seems to take longer as does the normal filtering that follows.
Only messages that are both New and from Egroups are tested - which of
course is most of mine !

If you want a copy of the script mail me privately. It's based on one from
the YAM mailing list.



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