AmigaActive (1333/1525)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:27 Sep 2000 at 23:18:16
Subject:Re: Vote for your favourite demo

Hello Kresimir,

> Jesus on E's was the first demo to impress me :) It was actually 27
> Minutes long if my memory serves me well. How do I know? Well I was so
> impressed by the demo, that I video taped it and it took 27 Minutes ;)

:-) I'm thinking of video taping it, it's just so cool! :-) My mate wants a
copy of it as well. It's a damn good demo.

When I originally used it from WHDLoad, there were all sorts of timing
errors, and then it'd bomb out with an exception error. I've started using
JST and emulating the WHDLoad slave and it works fine. Strange.


*Gareth Griffiths* -- --
*The Alien Legacy* =>

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