AmigaActive (1363/1525)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:28 Sep 2000 at 10:41:04
Subject:Re: Vote for your favourite demo

John Worthington said,

>> Because a QT or AVI is even more of a pig to run for many people.
> Also,
>> how big would such files get, there wouldn't be space for anything
> else
>> of the CD.
> If you have an old machine you may run the original demo?

I don't, except a CDTV.

> expanded Amigas may run qt/ avi. true file sizes are a problem.

A 1200/030 with AGA would struggle to run a QT/AVI anim, it certainly
wouldn't run as smoothly as the original, And it kind of defeats the
point anyway.

File sizes would be a real problem. Even with MPEG encoding, which I'm
not able to do, you'd only get three 20 minute demos on the CD. You'd be
lucky to get one with QT.

One of the points of demos was to show off what could be done with low
spec hardware. Requiring fast processors and hundreds of megabytes of
storage space completely defeats that.


Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine
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