AmigaActive (1401/1525)

Date:29 Sep 2000 at 00:50:09
Subject:Re: To sum it up

Kree Andrew

On 28-Sep-00, you gnashed on about [amigactive] Re: To sum it up:

>AC Hi Everybody,

>AC>> AC If the basic you're using supports double precision numbers then
>AC>> your AC problems are solved :)

>AC> You seam to be missing the point no matter how precise your FP
>AC> system is you will still suffer from the .1 problem the simple fact
>AC> is that in binary .1 is the same as PI in Decimal you can't get an
>AC> exact representation. You can write your maths routines to handle
>AC> the problem within a certain window but if there supplied equation
>AC> generates a result somewhere during the procedure which falls
>AC> outside that window WHAM there's that problem again. If you don't
>AC> believe me just sit down with pencil and paper and calculate .1 as a

>AC Well, I've forgotten how to do division in binary, apart from it uses
>AC powers, so I can see it needs a lot of digits...

>AC Although, there is one way to fix it, BCD :) (Binary Coded Decimal
>AC 'case you didn't know). Bit wastedful on memory, but fine if you
>AC /need/ the accuracy :)

>AC See ya :)
Oh looks like I'll have to look up the 68k op-codes then, last time I looked
I did not see any for handling BCD, maybe you could refresh my memory.
Draylan tru

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