AmigaActive (1414/1525)

From:Andy Wanless
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 01:38:41
Subject:Re: Knock Offs

On 29 Sep 2000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > Even better ;) I was being sarcastic or something. I prefer them without
> > beards and tall ;)
> /me reaches for superglue...

Why anyone would want something like permanently stuck to their face, I'll
never know ;) And you're still tall. ;)

> > And a bit younger too. Nothing to worry about there Neil ;)
> Ah yes, I'd heard about that :)

And just what exactly have you heard? Bearing in mind that you and AA, and
any ISP your emails go through are liable for any libellous comments you
might wish to make against me. Probably. But then again, you never know.
It's all a bit of mess.

So libel me, and I'll, erm, laugh and take it as a compliment that anyone
thinks I'm worthy of being libelled ;)

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