AmigaActive (1441/1525)

From:Chris Millar
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 16:03:53
Subject:Re: Help My A4000 OS3.0 HD


On 29-Sep-00, you wrote:
> I was browsing the web the other day with Voyager and too my shock
> horror it crashed!!!!!! Resulting in one of my partitions being
> invalidated.


> Any suggestions please for getting it validated or getting (a lot of
> data) off.

When you do recover your HD, buy PFS3 from Tim at RamJam.
It'll stop V trashing your HD, when it crashes.

Slainte Mhath


You've got to have a dream, If you don't have a you gonna have
a dream come true?
-- Happy Talk, Captain Sensible

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