AmigaActive (1459/1525)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:29 Sep 2000 at 21:01:56
Subject:Re: To sum it up

Hi Everybody,

>> if there supplied equation generates a result somewhere during the
>> procedure which falls outside that window WHAM there's that problem
>> again. If you don't believe me just sit down with pencil and paper
>> and calculate .1 as a binary number.
> 00000000 00000001
> thought thats what 'float' values were all about?

Nope, If I remember the GNVQ unit on data types, a floating point
value is saved in binary as

xxxxxxxx^yyyy (8 or 16 bits to the power of another 4 or 8 signed).

Therefore 0.5 would be 0010^1110 (2^-2) Well, I think so anyway, I
can't remember where the notes on that went :)

By the way, Alan, ahem, Linux, ahem :)

See ya :)

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