AmigaActive (1521/1525)

From:Chris Green
Date:30 Sep 2000 at 20:25:03
Subject:Re: Knock Offs

Hi Gary

> By the way you lot have got to be off your trolley, your paying
> Chris way to much, the guys last article proves he has lost all touch with
> reality.

>From now on I insist on being addressed as the High Priest and Overlord of
the 8th Kingdom :)

> Might give him some idea about what it's like being
> an Amiga user out here in the Sticks, not all of us are stinking
> rich Farmers you know.

We all know what you farmers do in those big sheds you've got - that's
right, you're growing massive chickens crossed with badgers!

Chris 'I'm in touch with reality - it's just a bad line'

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