AmigaActive (160/1525)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 01:42:56
Subject:Re: Oh No not linux

Hi Everybody,

> If you have to go why not try PPClinux before you do. It seems
> silly that Amiga users can go on about Fusion and see linux as
> alien.

Pain in the A*se LinuxAPUS has been to me. Anything to do with
gnome (eg. all the useful programs like Gimp etc.) crash it with a
signal 11 error, and so far nothing I've got from the internet has
re-compiled or installed right.

And it's not like I'm a computer novice either (he says, quietly
hiding the fact that this /is/ the first time he's delt with
Linux.... oppps :)

See ya :)

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