AmigaActive (174/1525)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 12:16:52
Subject:Re: Sorry but this has got to me....


> Don`t forget if the customs catch you, you`ll need to pay VAT (and import
> duties?). Check out the C&E website if you`re bothered - it`s (well can be
> depending on what you`re importing) mega complicated.

oh! the fear!. no worries. most likely no VAT/tax on sub-$100 dollar
elecotnics orders...and even if there is, 17.5% will add just another 4 ukp.
nothing to worry about.

> Britain is a rip off. Everybody knows this. The recent prices-of-new-cars
> thing is but the latest example - even after the recent price cuts in this
> country I`ve just been quoted more than a 15% saving on a £8500 car by
> buying the *exact* car from abroad, including delivery to my door.

..and probably 25% saving if you can buy that model from Denmark or Finland!

> It costs... ;-)
> You`re quite possibily not wrong, but there is a chance that you are ;-)

$6 to post that chip across the atlantic. Its just under $20 to post a


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