AmigaActive (184/1525)

From:Gerald Mellor
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 12:28:18
Subject:Re: Clockport

Hi Alan, on 04-Sep-00, you wrote:

> sorry to be a nuisance. a little while ago, someone posted some info
> about clockports to this list...a 'what is and what isnt a
> clockport' compendium.
> I've lost this post - since it didnt go to my home address - can
> someone please mail me with the text...or reinform me if you know of
> the details, cheers!

Was it something like this?

22 pins on the right (looking at your mobo from the front, pin 1 at
the bottom left) is a clock port.


The following are *not* clock ports: the full 40 pins


This can be fixed by snipping the left-most 18 pins.

22 pins on the left


This can only be fixed by desoldering the pins and then resoldering on
the right-hand side. Only to be done by someone who knows exactly what
he's doing.

Hope this helps.


Eu sou capaz de comer vidro: n�o me lastima

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