AmigaActive (204/1525)

From:Neil Williams
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 17:56:28
Subject:Re: Amiga On TV!

Hi Simon,
Remember <>?

> Hate to ruin your fun, but hearing about old Amigas on TV is boring. The

Who's having fun? I used to watch people do this elsewhere, and nearly cut
off my hands for doing it myself, but when in Rome..

>next time I see an "[amigactive] Amiga on TV" subject I hope its actually
>about a new Amiga on TV.

Saw one yesterday. Or was it RISCOS? Hmm.

> Sorry.


Neil Williams, 0,0. ICQ:18223711 fiydoh 2:442/107
Zeus Developments, comms s/w:

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