AmigaActive (213/1525)

From:John Worthington
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 19:14:49
Subject:Re: Oh No not linux

--- In, Gerald Mellor <egroups@u...> wrote:

> I don't think AA is the place for a Linux masterclass, and the CD is
> certainly not the place for a distro.

and other mags do not deal with Amiga hardware! Limbo or what?

>If you want Linux APUS, buy the
> CD from one of the resellers, or download it. A full distribution
> would take up the entire CD and would only be of interest to a
> number of people.

Well that's why I'm trying to find out who's interested
and what sort of demand there is. Personally I would be happy for
an issues CD to be a linux distribution, with a section in the month
following with linux software. We only have to miss one months
Amiga software. I'm happy with that just spend more time on the
aminet that month ;)

More to the point would an Amiga linux section be popular?
could it draw advertising?
I.E. go on to fund its own space!

> Likewise with the masterclass. It would either take up too much

So what are we sacrificing?

> or it would be too small to cover everything adequately.

little and often is the best way to learn! I think it will help
users, supports classic hardware and give us more options.

While you look at some of 'our' software check out where it was
ported from? Ever thought that more Amiga Linux users could lead
to more ports to the Amiga OS? longivity with the classic hardware.
More development for the Classic and an option for those who want to
leave other than Wintel.



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