AmigaActive (224/1525)

From:Simon Preston
Date:4 Sep 2000 at 22:28:13

Hi all...

Its been a fun few years. But times change and I've been forced to leave
the Amiga community on the net.

That doesn't mean I hate Amiga, it doesn't mean that I'm moving to PC. No,
it simply means I must move on (mainly being music)...

Hopefully you'll mostly still be here when I drop in again (which I
probably will). Until then, keep going - without you lot the Amiga is dead.

I'm not getting rid of my Amiga, no way - I love Soundstudio too much for
that. ;^)

I just hope the new Amiga is released soon, I need something to carry on my
musical life...

(God, this sounds like an obituary (sp?)) :)

Anyway, bye!!

Simon Preston - (updated 02 Sep 2000)
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