AmigaActive (336/1525)

From:Jim Brown
Date:5 Sep 2000 at 23:30:57
Subject:Re: Oh No not linux

Hi Gazchap

You wrote:

> That's not a problem. 0800 calls are a real boon sometimes ;-)
Oh yes indeedy:-))(thats how I installed my copy)
> Do I really have to set up a new partition for installing it?
only 1 Partitions. you need at least 2 partitions, 1 for linux and 1
for swap.
>It may just be easier for me to get a second hard drive, you know
Make it a big 'un ;-) You will need about 200 meg for a reasonable
install (desktop +X windows), and a lot more if you want to actually
use any programs.

Jim Brown
ICQ 33131511

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