AmigaActive (389/1525)

From:James Potter
Date:6 Sep 2000 at 16:49:49
Subject:Re: HDToolbox - confused of Essex

----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Buxey <>

> hi,

Hi Alan,

> 1) make sure the HD jumoers are set to 'master' for the Fujitsu and
> for the Western digital.

They are. The Fujitsu was already set to 'master' with something else and
the WD was set to 'slave' in the PC.

> 2) select the fujitsu drive when the WD is able to be detected and then
> click the 'save changes' button. this will update the fujitsu RDB so that
> AmigaDOS knows theres another drive present.

"'Save changes' button"? What, you mean when it says the drive is "not
installed"? Won't that destroy the data already on the disk like it says
(actually, don't I remember someone saying it wouldn't?)

> *WARNING* since you've used other tools in the past I'd be very very
> careful. save your RDB to a floppy disk - along with a tool that can
> it!! (tools for RDB work are on aminet).

Good idea.

> you have backed-up your drive before doing this fiddling havent you?
> (otherwise I guess you'll be away from us for a good 3 days while you
> recover your system)

I do have a backup of essentials on CDRW, but could make a more up-to-date
one. But that can wait (unless it's essential). I was planning on redoing
the Fujitsu as OS-standard not Faastprep *after* I'd got everything moved
across to the Western Digital, which I can't because I can't seem to format

Do you see where I'm getting? The Fujitsu isn't the problem at the mo, and
it works so I'm not worried that my system's going to die on me. It's the WD
drive, I need to get that up and running first.

Thanks for the tips though. See my answer to Neil's mail for further


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