AmigaActive (431/1525)

From:John Marchant
Date:7 Sep 2000 at 01:32:48
Subject:Re: SCSI, Zip, A3000 :)

Hi Nick. In a message on 06-Sep-00 16:14:22, you wrote:

>I need to know if the A3000's WD 04 SCSI chip would be okay with the SCSI
>Zip drive and soon an external SCSI CD-ROM drive?

I don't know the answer, but I know that the WD chip vn 4 is
somewhat buggy and I had scsi "freeze-up" problems until I upgraded
to the current revision 8 chip. (And I know that revision 2 is so
buggy it's almost unusable!)

Western don't make the chips any more but you can get them from
AMD. They have a web site but I don't have the url handy for that.

Or perhaps from Terry Smallwood: who is a
well-known and reputable purveyor of chips. His ad said (last year)

- AM33C93A SCSI chips for the A3000
- direct replacement for the -08 WD (Western Digital)
- upgrade that old -04 PROTO and rid yourself of errors
PRICE : $18.00 US ($25.00 CDN) + shipping


John Marchant ('Gnome'). Bedford UK.
Amiga 4000/40, A3000/30, A500

Motorola make chips, I fry 'em.
* Pick-Tag v2.5 *

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