AmigaActive (453/1525)

From:Gareth Griffiths
Date:7 Sep 2000 at 12:17:53
Subject:Re: Has anyone got Issue 12 yet ?

Hello Alan,

>> file of your webspace to ALL lower-case. It's a nightmare to view and as
>> the server your files are stored on is a Unix server (well, I assume it
>> is) it is case-sensitive. You'll have to go through all of the HTML and
>> change all of the <IMG src=""> and <A href=""> things to lowercase then
>> as well.
> filenames are case sensitive, HTML commands are not, Apache etc handle
> either

Yes, I know. I meant he should change all of the filenames in the <IMG
src=""> and the <A href=""> tags to lowercase, actually :-)

And actually, apparently, HTML is case-sensitive, if the book I have here is
to be believed. Elements are to be in CAPS, and attributes are to be in
lowercase. Chances are that no validators give a toss about that though :-)


*Gareth Griffiths* - - ICQ: 76782521
*Visit GazChap's World* =>

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