AmigaActive (525/1525)

From:Jonathan Hart
Date:8 Sep 2000 at 18:03:13
Subject:Re: Yam shortcuts.

Hi there Samuel

On 07-Sep-00, you wrote:

> Anyone got any ideas why? A pref in MUI that needs to be changed per
> chance? Or just JAMs interface going into "sleep" mode for a bit???

Detractors to MUI cite the occasional slowness of response to user actions,
because it does things a different way than Intuition. Other more technical
people here could give you a better description; I remember reading
something Holger Kruse wrote on this issue (but he concluded that the
benefits outweigh it's sluggishness).

As I'm no keyboard jockey I can't say if this is the reason or not- do you
run a "lean" MUI or a mega-customised, pattern-strewn, eye-candy MUI?

All the best,

*Jonathan Hart*
ICQ: 83098242

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