AmigaActive (58/1525)

From:Alastair M. Robinson
Date:1 Sep 2000 at 20:57:28
Subject:Re: Amiga PPC UAE

Hi Andrew,

>> Valid point - but I was taking that into account.
>> On my '030 I'm using 16-colour with a custom video driver which only
>> converts an eighth of the screen per frame.

> Eww, nice jerky mouse pointer eh? :)

Actually, the screen update looks a bit like that venetian blind effect in
Scala. Anyway, I use the intuition pointer ;-)

> Anyway, don't forget the slow amiga IDE interface too, that'd slow
> programs down, especially if you're using fusion with virtual memory.

True, true - but the PC version's running from hardfiles. (I'm assuming
these are fast on the PC because of large disk-caches - at least until /they/
end up in virtual memory ;^D)

> Although running benchmark programs don't always give an accurate
> picture of speed, unless you ment a more real-world test, like timing
> an application or sommin :)

Since we were originally talking about the speed of 68k emulation in
isolation, compared with emulating an entire machine, I was thinking in
terms of grabbing the Mac RC5 client and getting a key per second count.

[BTW, check AFB for an answer to your monitor problem]

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson,

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