AmigaActive (61/1525)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:2 Sep 2000 at 01:09:25
Subject:Re: Amiga PPC UAE

Hi Everybody,

> Since we were originally talking about the speed of 68k emulation in
> isolation, compared with emulating an entire machine, I was thinking
> in terms of grabbing the Mac RC5 client and getting a key per second
> count.

That might work, although small repeating (well, I presume it is
anyway :) code may be easier to run on an emulated cpu, or visa

Prehaps you should try and fine some maths intensive program
(theres this weird one I found to do with drawing 3d strings...) and
get a stop watch and time it running an identical picture :)

PS. Thanks for the monitor tip :)

See ya :)

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