AmigaActive (619/1525)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 15:42:12
Subject:RE: Well how did it go?


> Nice that the board was there, but was it actually running anything
> useful, at a useful kind of speed?

yes, and I was impressed (and I've got a PPC/BVision system!) with the
results of their little S3 card that they had in there. didnt care too much
for the networking card as i have PCMCIA network, but that was also demoed

> Did Eyetech go? If so, did they reveal any more info re: Predator (if it
> eats Weasels (must check the spelling on that) or. . .)?

no more news on that. according to certain developers the 'predator's
possibility is very low (ie how and where it plugs in and how it works. no
discredit to Eyetech, they'll only sell the things if they exist i believe,
but I'd really want confirmation from them about this board. otherwise sales
of the excellent Mediator will be damaged just through rumour :-(


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