AmigaActive (664/1525)

From:Andrew Crowe
Date:12 Sep 2000 at 23:21:58
Subject:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA

Hi Everybody,

> One interesting thing was when a group of lads said,"It looks nice,
> but what can it do that my PC can't?" - and I said, "This!" - and
> switched it off, with everything still running. There were horrified
> looks all round, then I switched it back on, and WB booted as usual,
> to their suprise.
> It turned out to be our best demo :-)

Good job none of the programs had any files open, or it would've
turned into your worst demo ever :) (unless you have PFS etc. ;)

See ya :)

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$(US)375,000,000 - making it the most successful non-American film of
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--The Miscellanea Digest

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