AmigaActive (679/1525)

From:John Worthington
Date:13 Sep 2000 at 12:26:22
Subject:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA

--- In, Chris Millar <cmillar@a...> wrote:

> I think some people over-stress the 'Amiga support' arguement, IMHO
it ain't
> that big an issue.

If you don't need it! I buy my generic parts from anywhere
that's cheaper. Based on my knowledge and expirience.
I not basing my opinion on the way I want things, it's just
I get visitors to the club who need the expirience of
an Amiga companies advice, however little that may be.
I still get the feeling sometimes that many Amiga owners
think, all own power machines, do not use AGA, buy AA,
belong to a usergroup, are on this list and have 15 years
dedicated expirience.

> Don't kid yourself, Amiga dealers aren't that great in the
technical support
> area.

Point taken I'll give PC world a ring next time I have a problem ;)


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