AmigaActive (709/1525)

From:George Davis
Date:13 Sep 2000 at 19:42:24
Subject:Re: BlizzarPPC [was:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA]

On 13-Sep-00, Robert Wilson wrote:

>> my BlizzardPPC 060/50 603e/240 has two SIMM sockets. all >BlizzardPPC's
>> that I've seen have two sockets. perhaps a few dont? i dont know.

> Anyone else know anything about this ?
> If they all have two sockets & this guy says his has one, I'm beginning to
> have 2nd thoughts about parting with my £200.
> If you see what I mean.

I would go for it.I think the guy must have made a mistake.

Maybe you could send him a picture of a BPPC,highlighting both SIMM slots,and
ask him which one it /doesn't/ have?


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