AmigaActive (714/1525)

From:Jonathan Wallace
Date:13 Sep 2000 at 21:42:03
Subject:RE: A1200 Eyetech Ethernet probs

Hello! Thanks for your reply!

>> Anybody in here using Eyetech's A1200 ethernet solution?

>yep. mines working fine now too! ;-)

Wish mine was. :-(

>err, didnt work for you?


> this is the CC_RESET problem. you can wither send the motherboard to
> for fixing, or, as your bought network kit from them, get a small
> 'clip-on-gayle' fix chip for a cheaper amount than it normally sells for.

Don't you hate it when you spend ages trying to get something working and
seconds after you've typed an email to a newsgroup or mailing list and
send, you realise what the problem was. :-)

Actually, realising why I was getting the error messages hasn't really
matters. I HAVE the clip-on-gayle fix chip, but it obviously isn't
doing a bloody thing to help. In all honestly, in doesn't "clip on" at all.
I assume it is supposed to be a snug enough fit to just press onto the chip,
but on mine it just sits too loosely and falls off inside my EZTower. I've
to sellotape it down. ;-) But it is obviously still not connected.
This is just shite. I had EXACTLY the same problem with one of Eyetech's
interfaces that "clipped" onto another chip - it just kept falling off, so I
bought the more expensive one that slots into the ribbon connector. MUCH

> open up a shell. go to your network tools and try pinging the PC. if you
> dont get a response, either the PC isnt configured correctly, or your
> network isnt setup right.

With the cnet interface reportedly "on-line", I get a response from ( the Amiga itself ), but no response from the
( the PC ). Sooooooo,

Looking at this logically, either:

a) the PC network properties are not setup correctly ( I've checked a
thousand times )

b) my PCMCIA NIC is buggered ( unlikely, the lights work :)

c) my PC's NIC is buggered ( unlikely, it worked a couple of months ago ).

d) my UTP cable is duff ( possible, I shall half-inch another from work that
I know works )

d) the Amiga network settings are not right ( unlikely, given that the
requesters do
it all you. )

OOOOOOHHHHH bloody tits and ass......

> they appear on the desktop as things like

> computer2_c: computer2_e:

Oh right, hence the share names... cheers.

>> 2. Genesis now starts up iconified ( gee thanks Eyetech )

> dont you use an alternative setting? my network miami is iconified, but my
> dial-up miami is launched from a toolbar and behaves like it has for the
> past 4 years

Well, I don't have a Genesis for the network and a Genesis for my ISP's, I
have one installation of Genesis and an interface for the network along with
those for my ISP's. There is a setting in GenesisPrefs to specify how you
Genesis to start-up, but changing it has no effect. :-/ I can't see how it
been told to start iconified in order to un-tell it. :-/ Arse.

Actually, the installer backs up your current Genesis interface configs and
creates a new one, which is bloody inconvenient coz anybody with Genesis is
going to already have it setup for ISP's - but I know there isn't any other
way of automating the installation. I have simply copied the cnet interface
from the config files of the new interface to those of my old ones in order
to have all the interfaces available at once. This is a potential for
as I guess I could have missed something, but I get exactly the same
with a fresh install of the Eyetech software ( just the cnet interface on
its own ).

> 1) double check the PC settings...particulary the gateway and DNS

I've set them exactly how the HTML instructions say.
A couple of things I'm puzzled by though:
1) Why does the NetBEUI protocol have to be installed, when everything is
setup for TCP/IP? Does Samba use this?

2) How come there's no Samba install/config to be done on the PC? Is a Samba
client part of "Windows Networking" or does the Samba server on the Miggy
converse with Windows Newtworking direct?

> 2) when Amiga is on, unplug the PCMCIA and then replug it. this will clear
> the CC_RESET block...but until you get it fixed, you'll have to do this
> (my gayle fix halves the number of times i have to do this...i guess the
> timing problems are deeper down my motherboard :-( )

So even with a working gayle fix, you still have to do it? Unimpressive. :-/
I find that sometimes a cold boot does the trick, but as my A1200 is in a
tower, un-plugging even "now and again" is not an option I will consider.

Thanks for your reply. I'll let you know if I have any breakthroughs.
It really shouldn't be this difficult. I mean christ, I deal with setting up
and using networks all the time at work (programmer/odd IT jobs here and
and have been involved setting up NT servers, gateways, hubs, routers,
patch panels, port management systems, PC's network settings, printers, DHCP
a whole truck load of other stuff (not Samba though unfortunately although
got a great big book on it at work, and a guy I work with knows it inside
but he's on holiday). That's the thing about networks. When they work
great, when they don't there are so many links in the chain that COULD be
problem that it can often be overwhelming trying to locate it.

It would seem there's a fundamental hardware or TCP/IP problem here though
seeing as how I can't ping the PC.

Anyhoo thanks alot,

c ya,

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