AmigaActive (727/1525)

From:Robert Wilson
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 08:58:05
Subject:Re: BlizzarPPC [was:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA]

Oops! Sorry for all that garbage.
I posted from e-groups website. Looked OK when I hit "send".
Anyway, what I was trying to say was:-

--- In, "David Le Huray" <dave@l...> wrote: > Hi
> > on Wed, 13 Sep 2000 at 14:35:20 you said: >
> > Anyone else know anything about this ? > If they all have two sockets
>& this guy says > his has one, I'm beginning to > have 2nd thoughts
>about parting with my £200. > If you see what I mean.

>I think you'll find that they all have two sockets but in one > package.
>One SIMM sits close to the PCB and lies flat and the other sits almost on
>top of it but an an angle.

So d'you think it's possible that the guy just isn't aware there are two ?
I e-mailed him the other day saying "2 SIMM sockets, right ?".
He replied "No, one."
It's 240mhz with 040/25mhz & seems a bargain. I'm probably just para' as
I've never bought anything from Amibench b4.



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