AmigaActive (728/1525)

From:David Le Huray
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 09:46:32
Subject:Re: BlizzarPPC [was:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA]

Hi Robert,

on Thu, 14 Sep 2000 at 07:58:05 you said:

>So d'you think it's possible that the guy just isn't aware there are two ?


>I e-mailed him the other day saying "2 SIMM sockets, right ?".
>He replied "No, one."

I think you'll find, as was stated in the last email, that although it looks like one SIMM socket it actually has two connectors, one for each SIMM.

>It's 240mhz with 040/25mhz & seems a bargain. I'm probably just para' as
>I've never bought anything from Amibench b4.

Nor me, bit unsure about who sends what first, the money or the goods. A bit paranoid that if I am selling and I send the goods the money won't arrive and if I am buying and send the money the goods won't arrive :-(

Probably nothing to worry about really, just me being paranoid.

A La Prochaine
Dave Le Huray
Guernsey, Channel Islands

ICQ: 56195074

- - Surfing the Net with the speed of a Pentium - -
- - - - On my dual 160/25Mhz Amiga 1200T :-) - - - -

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