AmigaActive (760/1525)

From:John Marchant
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 19:58:50
Subject:Re: Disk validation fix [was:Re: Re: SEAL-O-RAMA]

Hi Don. In a message on 13-Sep-00 21:37:21, you wrote:

>There is no announced date for release of Boing Ball 2, as they want to
>fix every possible bug before releasing it.

Wow! Surely that will go down in history as an all-time record? But
how would they distinguish "impossible" bugs? One thing I was taught
in my (commercial) programming days was "The impossible will always
happen eventually", and "Never assume that xxx can't happen".

:-)) John

John Marchant ('Gnome'). Bedford UK.
Amiga 4000/40, A3000/30, A500

You can prove that a program has a bug, but you can't prove that it hasn't.
* Pick-Tag v2.5 *

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