AmigaActive (780/1525)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:15 Sep 2000 at 17:05:06
Subject:Re: BlizzarPPC [was:Re: SEAL-O-RAMA]

Hello Duncan

On 15-Sep-00, you wrote:

>> So d'you think it's possible that the guy just isn't aware there are two ?
>> I e-mailed him the other day saying "2 SIMM sockets, right ?".
>> He replied "No, one."
>> It's 240mhz with 040/25mhz & seems a bargain. I'm probably just para' as
>> I've never bought anything from Amibench b4.
> I've bought and sold a fair few items on Amibench and had no problems.
> Usually the cheque/cash happens first and then the goods get sent.
> As I said I've not had any snags (in fact the only snags I've ever had
> in all the time I've had an Amiga were with a so called proper Amiga
> Company, you all know the one, they still owe me £30 or goods) so
> don't worry Amiga Users are on the whole a decent Trusty worthy bunch
> (in my experiance)

Agreed. I've bought and sold accelerators (bought my 68060, tried to sell
my '030 but ended up selling it elsewhere I think) memory (16MB single
sided, still for sale if you want it, anyone?), power supplies (a Prima Atom,
I ended up paying more posting it than I got for selling it ;) etc. over
Amibench and it's gone smoothly every time (except for the times when
no-one bought my stuff ;)

One of the great things you have to remember is that 90% of the people
you are buying and selling from are on this list (or other popular Amiga
forums we all frequent), so you have no end of opportunities to nag them
for stuff, and/or shame them in public :)


Matt Sealey <>

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